An ultimate sharing solution

Store and share files of any size, with an instant access whenever you need it.
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Why Choose Us?

Affordable File sharing solution with high speed download.

Cheap Storage

We provide storage for file sharing at a very affordable price. Upload and share files and download from anywhere in the world.

Seamless Upload

Transfaze is compatable with Windows network storage so you can use your account to map network drive and seamlessly Upload and download files from your PC.

Share direct links

Share direct links to your files so it is easily accissible for your users easily.

Unlimited download

With our scalable file storage, we are monitoring and constantly adding new server as per user demands so you can enjoy high speed download from everywhere.

Extensive statistics

With our robust user panel you can track the numbers of downloads for each files and access overall report.

Customer Support

Use the contact form to reach us any time and we will respond as soon as possible.

What are you waiting for!?

Register and start upload your files right now!

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